• Dr. Michael Johnson

    Psychologist, Specialist in Problematic Sexual Behavior

  • Dr. Michael Johnson

    Specializing in Sex Addiction Treatment in Austin, TX

Stop It!!!!

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This takes a bit of practice, but is easy to achieve with a little effort. As you are driving or at other times when you are sure of your privacy, practice this discipline. When you become aware that your mind has drifted into thoughts that threaten your bottom lines or sobriety, yell, "STOP IT" at yourself at the top of your voice. Notice what happens to your slippery thoughts. They should quiet down or go away. Continue this practice until you have made a good tape in your head of your voice yelling at you. When you have the tape made in your head, you can yell at yourself in your head without opening your mouth. Then you can use this Thought Stopping Technique anywhere you go. Aloud or inside your head, the effect is the same. You buy yourself a few seconds to make healthy choices. Repeat as necessary. Remember, this is the healthy, recovering part of yourself yelling at your addict. Yelling at your own addict will not shame you. It will leave you feeling proud and confident. And by the way, if a voice in your head tells you that this is a silly intervention, ask yourself what inner voice that is.








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